Marie Beswick Arthur
managing EDITOR
Marie writes to change the world. She changes ideas into art, understanding the voices of others to bring their stories to life.
In the beginning, Marie wrote over 200 Lifebooks for Alberta Children’s Services in Canada. These truthful narratives in story form helped children in the system come to terms with why they had been removed from their biological parents. Since then, Marie has collaborated on more than fifty published books, some of which are award winning. Of her solo work: she has received awards for poetry and short story. Her debut novel, Listen For Water, published by Ingenium Books in 2022, received the 2022 Titan Literary Gold award.
She mentors and writes from her heart which is flexibly and lovingly attached to Mexico, Canada, and the UK. Marie’s other superpower is fostering dogs, nurturing and loving them back to health and into their forever homes, which sometimes is her own.