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Boni Wagner-Stafford

Whether you’ve published a book or not, you probably have some ideas about what the publishing industry is like. But not all of these ideas are accurate. In fact, many publishing misconceptions can hurt your career as a writer, leading you to make decisions that aren’t in your best interest. Let’s debunk the most common myths and set the record straight.1. The best books are traditionally published.Because it’s so easy

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Boni Wagner-Stafford

You need more than writing chops to make a good first impression on any publisher: you need to demonstrate a little understanding of standard manuscript formatting requirements common across the publishing industry.As a publisher receiving and reviewing submissions from aspiring authors, it's shocking how few seem to read our manuscript submission formatting requirements. Or if they've read them, they don't seem to have a clue how to follow the parameters.

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Linell van Hoepen

What do you do for writing motivation? And once you’re motivated, how do you stay focused?“I hate writing. I love having written.” Variations of this quote are usually attributed to either Frank Norris or Dorothy Parker. Whoever said it, though, they were definitely a writer.You probably know the feeling too—the painful process of getting yourself to actually sit down and write, and the sense of accomplishment once you’ve finally finished

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Arizona Bell

We recently had a conversation with author, book proposal writer, and founder of the ghostwriting agency WriteGeist about book proposals. Here's the transcript of our Q&A. Q. What is a book proposal? A. Think of a book proposal as your book’s first impression and its business plan. It showcases not only your genius writing talent and topic idea but also the book’s saleability to prospective agents and publishers. The proposal essentially

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Linell van Hoepen

Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end. But how do you make that middle part compelling? Enter Freytag’s pyramid: the story structure outlined by German writer Gustav Freytag in 1863. He created his plot pyramid as a five-act dramatic structure but you can use it to outline any kind of narrative, whether it’s a fairy tale or a memoir. So what are the elements—or the five major plot

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Boni Wagner-Stafford

This fall of 2024 is an exciting time for us at Ingenium Books. We have four fabulous and unique new releases — perfect for indulging your own reading pleasure or to get a jump on your holiday shopping. Here's a rundown! Chill: The Wine Lover's Introduction to CannabisBy Jackie McAskillRelease date: October 17, 2024This fall's earliest of our new releases comes courtesy first-time Canadian author Jackie McAskill. Are you a

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Tricia Jacobson

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Tricia Jacobson

Andrea Wehlann

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Andrea L. Wehlann

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Marjorie Aunos

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Marjorie Aunos

Heidi Hackler

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Heidi Hackler

Yvonne Caputo

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Yvonne Caputo

Henrik J. Mondrup

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Henrik J. Mondrup

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