Come Passion
The Soulful ART of
Healing Trauma
- by Colleen E. Clark
Colleen E. Clark’s Come Passion: The Soulful ART of Healing Trauma isn’t simply a manual for using Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) to treat trauma disorders. It is designed to enhance your practice and skills as an ART therapist.
Colleen E. Clark brought ART to Canada in 2014 and has trained more than 1200 therapists from coast to coast to coast and internationally.
Instead of digging deep into the process of providing ART, Come Passion focuses on preparing your client and yourself for this very beneficial therapy.
Unresolved trauma not only affects a person’s mental health but also their physical health. The body keeps score. This is why treating trauma disorders can make such a profound difference to someone’s quality of life. Unfortunately, treatment for PTSD and complex PTSD is a long, costly process with no guaranteed successful outcome. Or it has been, until now. Accelerated Resolution Therapy, or ART, shows real results in as few as eight sessions.
Colleen E. Clark trains ART therapists in Canada. Come Passion: The Soulful ART of Healing Trauma draws from her practical experience in delivering this therapy to enhance your work as an ART therapist. It’s part manual, part workbook, with a focus on how to prepare your client and yourself for ART, showing you how to help your client’s healing journey from a position of compassion.
You may have already undergone basic ART training and have even read an accelerated resolution therapy book or two. So what makes this one different? Come Passion: The Soulful ART of Healing Trauma isn’t simply an Accelerated Resolution Therapy manual and its focus isn’t on the ART itself but on how to prepare your client and yourself for your sessions.
It is designed to enhance your work as an ART therapist and help you refine your skills. In addition to providing you with the foundation you need, this mood disorders therapy workbook also gives you practical tools, such as scripts and checklists, that can help you streamline your sessions with your client. It is the PTSD and complex PTSD recovery workbook you will return to again and again as you become more adept at delivering this soulful ART of helping your clients heal from their trauma-related wounds.
What to Expect
SECTION I: Early Days
How I Came to ART
Refresher on ART
SECTION II: You, the Therapist
Know Trauma
Biology of the Brain
Attachment, Development, Avoidance
Cultural Competence & Specialized Populations
Self Care: The Compassion Connection
SECTION III: You and Your Client
Establish a Positive Relationship
Provide Psycho-Education
Build a Developmental Themogram
Case Study: Strategic Themogram
Identify Themes
Explain ART
The Consultation Conversation
SECTION IV: The Future With ART
Come Passion
SECTION V: Resources
Come Passion: The Soulful ART of Healing Trauma
Booksellers: Grab the sell sheet for Come Passion Here.
"...a must read for any clinician interested in a brief, effective treatment of psychological trauma."
—Kevin E. Kip, PhD, VP Clinical Analytics, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
“At last, an exquisitely written guidebook that provides information on what true trauma therapy is as well as a step-wise approach on how to do it through the lens of A.R.T."
—Carol Gill
Registered Psychologist at Correctional Services Canada
"The passion and knowledge Colleen has in treating trauma is evident throughout this book. This is a tool every trauma therapist will benefit from having on hand."
—Marney Riendeau, RN, BScN
Past Manager, Calgary OSI Clinic, and leader in program development in mental health
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
Anyone working in trauma-informed care knows that the body keeps the score. This is why PTSD therapy can make such a difference in not only the mental health of those suffering from PTSD and complex PTSD but also in their physical health. However, psychotherapy for PTSD, cognitive behavioural therapy, and internal family systems therapy aren’t always enough. For clients needing an alternative therapy for PTSD, accelerated resolution therapy, or ART, offers a promising solution. This relatively new evidence-based therapy may not have made it into every PTSD textbook yet but is well on its way to become mental health providers’ first choice for trauma informed therapy because it delivers real results in such a short time: only about eight sessions.